2024 Marketing Trends for Growth

Top 5 Law Firm Marketing Trends for Growth in 2024

Ava Emdadian, the Founder of Legal Galaxy Marketing, provides specialised marketing services tailored specifically to the needs of lawyers and law firms and shares her top 5 marketing trends for law firm growth in 2024.

1) Optimise Your Website for Lead Generation and Conversion

Given today’s digital age, where consumers are increasingly turning to the internet to search for legal information and services, your website serves as the foundational cornerstone of your law firm’s online presence. Often becoming the first point of contact for many potential clients seeking services like yours, your website also becomes a strong engine for lead generation, which will hopefully convert into paying clients. But for law firms, competition is fierce. Therefore, a compelling online presence through a well-designed and optimised website is crucial in ensuring that your law firm stays top of mind. However, many law firms often undermine this aspect of their business, consequently resulting in wasteful digital resourcing as they are not leveraging their firm’s website to its full potential. In fact, in a recently conducted research, 51% of respondents identified website optimisation as the greatest marketing challenge their law firm faces. So, how can law firms achieve website optimisation for lead generation? Below are 4 key tips:
Mobile Responsiveness
In a world where we are practically glued to our mobile phones, creating a mobile responsive website is almost critical for a law firm’s website lead generation. This is because today’s society (and your prospective clients) are often time-poor and therefore opt for searching for legal information and services on their mobile phone or tablet devices as a matter of convenience when they are on the go. With a website adapting seamlessly to varying screen sizes and devices, you can significantly enhance the user experience and not only appeal to and accommodate a tech-savvy audience but also enhance your search engine rankings, as search engines such as Google and Bing often prioritise mobile-friendly websites.
Design and Experience
The design and experience of your website can refer to the level of optimisation in terms of user-friendliness, visual aesthetics, professionalism and navigation. In lead generation, a thoughtful design and user experience are pivotal to attracting and retaining potential leads and clients. To place this into context, an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly website creates a favourable first impression, portraying professionalism and trust. This therefore encourages visitors to explore your site further and engage with your services and content. Likewise, having an accessible website in terms of creating a seamless navigation experience helps to guide your site’s visitors effortlessly, meaning it is easier for them to find what they are looking for on your website. In turn, this reduces frustration and early website exits, leading to more potential conversions.
Content Strategy for Lead Generation
Content strategy plays a pivotal role in website lead generation for law firms. An effective and valuable content strategy not only helps to communicate your law firm’s professional expertise and knowledge but also enhances credibility, builds trust, and shows that you genuinely care about helping people. A valuable content strategy for your law firm could consist of various types of content. These may include offering valuable insights into your specific practice area(s), answering common legal questions through website FAQs and addressing client concerns through blog posts, articles, case studies, or podcasts. Important to note is that a robust content strategy is also crucial for improving search engine rankings and making it easier for high-intent potential clients to discover your website when seeking legal help or services on search engines.
Harness the Power of Social Media and SEO
In the context of digital marketing for law firms, we can say that social media and SEO act as a dynamic duo for lead generation. On one hand, social media can act as a megaphone you can leverage to shout out to a large crowd. This can help you to engage and connect with your audience, share valuable content and showcase your law firm’s brand identity. Publishing engaging and valuable content on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can not only spark conversations and help you build relationships, trust and credibility, but it can also attract a targeted audience and drive traffic to your law firm website.
On the other hand, SEO can be seen as a treasure map which helps people find answers to their questions when they are searching online. Optimising your website for search engines through strategies such as keyword optimisation and content relevance means that you are able to enhance your law firm’s visibility on search engines and attract more organic traffic to your website and services. Therefore, together social media and SEO complement each other in first driving brand awareness, then website traffic and ultimately more client acquisition.

2) Leverage Co-Branded Marketing to Expand Your Reach

Leveraging co-branded marketing can be a powerful marketing strategy for law firms to expand their reach, strengthen their brand presence, and establish strategic partnerships within legal or other relevant industries. Co-branded marketing initiatives such as joint webinars, workshops or events, or content collaborations enable your law firm to leverage the existing credibility, reputation and network of your partners (and vice versa), as well as pooling resources, sharing costs, and amplifying your marketing impact. Therefore, by carefully selecting partners that share similar values and objectives, you can create mutually beneficial relationships, which result in a more cost-effective and efficient approach to client acquisition. 

3) Create Targeted and Audience-Specific Marketing Strategies to Stay Relevant

For many law firms currently operating within a highly competitive and rapidly evolving market, one of the most challenging marketing strategies is focusing on the right audience at the right time. This means ensuring your messaging is relevant to your niche and/or various target audiences rather than focusing on a generalised, “one-size-fits-all” approach to marketing. This includes understanding the unique needs, preferences, and challenges of different client segments so that you can tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with those specific audiences effectively. This will help ensure you increase your chances of attracting high-intent leads who are more likely to be interested in your services and, therefore, more likely to convert into clients. There are several ways in which you can segment your audience for a more targeted approach to client acquisition. However, these will most likely vary based on your practice area and expertise. For example, for a family law firm, these may include demographic factors such as age, income, occupation, level of education and/or geographic location, whereas for a commercial law firm, the audience may be segmented based on industry. So now that you have segmented your audience, what’s next? There are several ways in which you can use this segmentation knowledge to reach your ideal audience. For example, you can leverage online advertising tactics such as pay-per-click Google advertising, display ads or targeted social media campaigns, which allow you to target specific keywords, demographics or geographic locations to ensure your message is received by the right audience. Similarly, you can also implement this in more traditional marketing methods such as running industry or segment-related networking events and workshops. Either way, the ability to create audience-specific marketing strategies is bound to add a personal touch to your messaging, helping your firm achieve a competitive edge and maintain its relevance in a noisy market.  

4) Capitalise on Marketing Automation to Improve Efficiencies

Whilst the buzzword “marketing automation” has been thrown around for a while, its benefits to law firms have more recently been spoken about or rather noticed. As a law firm, there are many technological tools you can capitalise on to streamline your marketing efforts, enhance client engagement and ultimately drive business growth. For example, by leveraging marketing automation platforms such as MailChimp or Hubspot, you can automate repetitive tasks such as email campaigns, social media scheduling, and lead nurturing. In turn, this helps you to free up valuable time, resources and billable hours, which you could be spending on higher-value activities. Furthermore, marketing automation tools which allow you to track and measure the results of your marketing efforts can help you to evaluate how well your campaigns are performing. This may include tracking the number of leads generated via a blog post on your website or a mail out to your mailing list on a particular legal topic. Ultimately, through having access to such insights, you can learn about which marketing efforts are working well for your law firm and which may need some tweaking or improvement to avoid wasting resources on marketing strategies that do not yield results.  

5) Gather Online Client Reviews to Encourage Trust and Credibility 

In the new digital age, you can think of an online review as a referral’s first cousin. In fact, according to the College of Law, 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a referral from a friend. In a services-based business where trust and credibility are key, gathering client reviews where circumstances allow is pivotal to attracting new clients for your law firm. Considering the highly stressful nature and experience of seeking a lawyer or a law firm, vulnerable clients often seek reassurance in others’ experiences. Therefore, having several positive online reviews adds credibility to any law firm and is essential in helping people feel confident in their choices. Ultimately with such social proof, you can portray your firm as more reputable and trustworthy as opposed to a firm with not many online reviews at all.

Ava Emdadian Legal Galaxy

Ava holds a postgraduate degree in law with specialisations in international trade and commerce. She is also a marketing expert with over 7 years of experience across technology and professional services marketing.  Ava is also a Marketing and Business Academic at UNSW and Macquarie University. Previously, Ava has worked as the APAC Marketing Manager at Clio-Cloud-Based Legal Technology, Marketing Manager at Olvera Advisors and APAC Marketing and Business Development Manager at Duck Creek Technologies.
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