AFLAS Family Law Platform

AFLAS to Re-imagine the Broken Family Law Ecosystem

Australian Family Law Advisory Services (AFLAS) is a new online platform providing a much-needed paradigm shift in servicing and supporting Australians who need immediate assistance provided through the unique AFLAS triage solution, which carefully matches clients with curated providers of advocacy and guidance as they go through the journey of their family law or relationship issue. AFLAS is there for the whole journey across all the service providers as the client’s trusted advocate.

AFLAS has been created with a clear vision to reimagine the disjointed family law and relationship eco-system into a single, whole of journey, human-focused solution.

The team, led by Adam Levine, empathised with clients that there was no single source of information or self-help for legal, commercial and financial information or services that could provide an all-inclusive, plain English, whole-of-journey service. You had to hunt and source solutions from a mix of different unknown providers. There was no personal advocate, no one who provided a holistic solution - just a cottage industry of disparate individual service providers, all disjointed, sporadic, costly and totally overwhelming.

At its simplest, AFLAS connects people with advice and provides guidance and direction in finding the right service providers at the right time - whether it’s lawyers, counsellors, psychologists, accountants or therapists. It also provides a mix of self-help solutions via a range of paid and free downloads, as well as a “Helping Hand” solution which is a combination of self-service and professional guidance.

From questions around child support and adoption to divorce, separation, moving in with a partner, domestic abuse and LGBTQIA+ rights, AFLAS provides impartial guidance and connection to professional support and affordable resources to help people find clarity in confusing times.

Founder Adam Levine says AFLAS is about helping people with a single source of advice and connection to verified professional support at the moments in life when they most need it.

“Up until now, there’s been no single source of information or self-help for legal, commercial and financial services provided in an inclusive, plain English concierge-like way. AFLAS exists to fill that gap so that people can be directed to the relevant support when they need it, with a concierge to guide them through the journey.

“Relationship issues call for episodic advice from a connected and united team of services providers, all focused and controlled by your personal advocate – someone who is on your side and can coordinate what is needed, when it’s needed, in the most cost-effective way, as you go along the complex journey of a relationship realignment.

“We also provide resources that are designed to educate people on their rights and answer common questions,” says Levine. “

It takes the headache out of finding information and support while also giving verified service providers access to potential clients who need their professional support.”

AFLAS is welcoming new professional providers to join the platform from across Australia as interest grows in the new platform:

“A large part of our unique concierge advocacy solution is pairing individuals with experienced, dedicated and reliable service providers that we trust will help them to successfully address their issues,” says Levine.

“To do this effectively, we partner with all sorts of experts, including family lawyers, psychologists, accountants, mediators, mortgage brokers, relationship counsellors, immigration advisors and property consultants. If you’re interested in getting involved, we’d love to hear from you.”

Follow the link to discover more about AFLAS.

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