Microsoft Sneaks In Windows 365 | LPI

Microsoft Sneaks In Windows 365 | LPI

Brace yourself for Windows 11 [pictured above].

As is usual with Microsoft, just when everyone becomes comfortable with their Windows, which is currently Windows 10 for the vast majority of people, we are coerced into an upgrade. 

There's still a lot of Windows PTSD out there from the time everyone was pushed into Windows Vista. Microsoft has learned from that version upgrade and will probably not be destroying our computers with a Vista-type user experience.

For non-technical people the quickest way to explain Windows 11 is that it is an attempt to make Windows look like an Apple operating system. That assessment is based on its look. Of course, that is not the full story and there are a whole array of other features that Microsoft is putting our way.

While your IT support has been biting its nails over the imminent unloading of Windows 11, Microsoft has surprised us with something called Windows 365. If Windows 365 sounds vaguely familiar it is probably because of another well-known product of theirs called Office 365. What is Windows 365 and why would we want to use it?

The following video gives us the inside information. It is to do with a Windows environment in the cloud. Effectively, a Windows computer in the cloud.  

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