
PracticeEvolve Announces New Mobile App | LPI

PracticeEvolve Group has announced a new, secure, mobile app to complement their portfolio of Practice Management Software solutions which will act as a precursor to their native Cloud solution, currently being trialled in Australia.

The introduction of the App, called EvolveMobile, gives users the freedom to work on matters wherever they are, with crucial data at their fingertips. Including the ability to quickly time record, the app integrates with Android and Apple phone features to provide a powerful user experience. Additional functions include access to clients and contacts, matters and documents. While EvolveMobile is part of the suite of Cloud products PracticeEvolve Group is bringing to the market, it has been engineered to connect seamlessly with its On-Premise software, no matter where it is hosted.

David Boland, CEO of PracticeEvolve Group comments, “We all know the power of mobile apps and with firms now operating in very different circumstances, clients are demanding Apps to act as enablers of their business, rather than just providing access to static information. It’s why we are invested in constantly evolving the app in line with the On-Premise, Cloud-hosted and native Cloud software solutions we offer the market. “

David continues, “EvolveMobile is a fundamental part of our suite of Cloud products, including our native Cloud app which is currently being trialled in Australia. However, we have ensured the App connects seamlessly with our On-Premise software, wherever it is hosted. This reinforces our commitment to supporting the On-Premise software for the long term. Initially, we are Beta testing EvolveMobile with a number of clients in the UK, Ireland and Australia with a view to making it fully available before the end of 2021.”

Steven Hoyle, ANZ CEO of PracticeEvolve adds, “Mobility has become increasingly important for law firms as they introduce flexibility to the way we work, and this is fully in line with our “Pathway to the Cloud” journey. We have spent time speaking with the global mid-tier legal market in terms of what they require. In response, the App will be launched with key functions and ensures synchronisation with whichever of our solutions clients are using.“

Steven goes on to say, “It will be available for both Android and Apple devices and importantly, it will include a standard two-factor authentication process ensuring it is secure. We have worked hard to ensure that the app is built to provide firms and users with software that will constantly support their future.”

Also read top viewed Ai Legal article: The Role of AI in Legal Research.

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