Sovereign Cloud to Bolster AU Law Firms Cyber Security
The high volumes of data retained by Australia’s legal industry will become far more secure with the launch of the new Australian sovereign cloud solution LexCloud, set to address the growing need for enhanced security and data management capabilities across the legal sector.
The solution has been developed and launched through a partnership between ASX-listed sovereign cloud and cyber security provider AUCloud, and legal operations services firm LexVeritas.
LexCloud caters to the diverse and complex requirements of law firms across Australia, ensuring unparalleled sovereignty of data, security, compliance, and best practice efficient data management.
AUCloud CEO Peter Maloney said the partnership represented a transformative opportunity for the legal sector to become more cyber-resilient and efficient when it comes to storing and managing data.
"AUCloud is thrilled to launch LexCloud to the Australian legal community to help them manage and protect their clients’ sensitive matter information,” Mr Maloney said.
“Our mission has always been to safeguard Australia's sensitive data and empower businesses with secure cloud and cyber security solutions. LexCloud provides the legal sector with a powerful tool that ensures data sovereignty, enables collaboration, and reinforces the industry's cyber resilience."
“Our priority is to create solutions which sit at the forefront of cutting-edge technology and cyber security advancements. LexCloud will continue to evolve and improve in line with changing needs of the legal sector.”
Key features of LexCloud include:
- Sovereign Cloud Infrastructure: LexCloud is hosted on AUCloud's sovereign infrastructure, ensuring that sensitive legal data remains within Australia's borders, promoting data sovereignty and complying with regulatory requirements.
- Advanced Cyber Security: With AUCloud's top-notch cybersecurity protocols and LexVeritas' industry-leading expertise, LexCloud offers multi-layered security measures, safeguarding law firms against potential cyber threats.
- Scalability and Flexibility: The cloud solution is designed to cater to law firms of all sizes, offering scalability and adaptability to accommodate growth and changing requirements.
LexVeritas CEO Duncan Little said LexCloud was designed to address the needs of Australasian law firms and in consideration of the strict regulations and unique challenges of the sector.
“LexCloud offers law firms a tailored sovereign cloud solution that not only meets their complex needs but also elevates their ability to securely share information and streamline their workflows,” Mr Little said.
We are proud to work with AUCloud in driving this innovative solution to support and protect Australia's legal community and their clients’ data."
Follow the link to access further information regarding LexCloud and explore how it will transform law firms’ operations.